<< November 2024 >>
Su M Tu W Th F Sa
Thursday's Game 11/21
A River Bluff (Lexington) 34
H Rock Hill 17
Friday's Game 11/22
A Blackville-Hilda 13
H Abbeville 41
A Holmes (Edenton) 13
H Ayden-Grifton 30
A Baptist Hill (Yonges Island) 20
H Bamberg-Ehrhardt 36
A Timberland 0
H Barnwell 21
A Andrew Jackson (Kershaw) 14
H Batesburg-Leesville 49
A Palmetto (Williamston) 14
H Belton-Honea Path 42
A Westwood (Columbia) 0
H Berkeley (Moncks Corner) 36
A Robbinsville 19
H Bessemer City 0
A Gilbert 36
H Bishop England (Charleston) 30
A Brevard 37
H Bunker Hill (Claremont) 29
A Cape Fear (Fayetteville) 29
H C.B. Aycock (Pikeville) 7
A Ridge View (Columbia) 22
H Cane Bay (Summerville) 15
A Garner 14
H Cardinal Gibbons (Raleigh) 51
A James Island (Charleston) 31
H Carolina Forest (Myrtle Beach) 21
A Palisades (Charlotte) 7
H Charlotte Catholic 31
A East Clarendon 0
H Cheraw 35
A Clinton 48
H Chester 20
A Crescent (Iva) 42
H Christ Church (Greenville) 6
A Asheville School 25
H Christ School (Arden) 26
A Ashley (Wilmington) 3
H Cleveland (Clayton) 21
A Mann (Greenville) 44
H Clover 14
A Mitchell 6
H Corvian Community 42
A Ridgeland 0
H Cross 56
A Southern Durham 21
H Currituck County 10
A Richland Northeast 36
H Daniel (Central) 48
A A.C. Reynolds (Asheville) 0
H Dudley (Greensboro) 42
A Boiling Springs 14
H Dutch Fork (Irmo) 42
A West Forsyth 19
H East Forsyth 56
A West Stokes 35
H East Surry 21
A Cherokee 0
H Eastern Randolph 42
A Princeton 36
H Eastern Wayne 40
A Smoky Mountain (Sylva) 14
H Erwin (Asheville) 35
A Chesnee 6
H Fairfield Central 41
A Riverside (Greer) 21
H Gaffney 41
A Hillcrest (Simpsonville) 21
H Greenwood 28
A Southeast Guilford 21
H Grimsley (Greensboro) 58
A Porter-Gaud (Charleston) 21
H Hammond (Columbia) 28
A Denmark-Olar 6
H Hannah Pamplico 40
A Darlington 16
H Hartsville 49
A Western Alamance 6
H Havelock 49
A Statesville 7
H Hickory 42
A Wake Forest 10
H Hillside (Durham) 13
A Leesville Road (Raleigh) 7
H Hoggard (Wilmington) 14
A Independence (Charlotte) 3
H Hough (Cornelius) 47
A Dixie (Due West) 13
H Hunter-Kinard-Tyler 46
A Chapin 7
H Irmo 38
A Kings Mountain 14
H J.M. Robinson (Concord) 41
A Apex Friendship 14
H Jordan (Durham) 41
A Orangeburg-Wilkinson 7
H Keenan (Columbia) 38
A Johnsonville 14
H Lake View 21
A Pamlico County 7
H Lakewood (Salemburg) 56
A Lee Central 12
H Lamar 22
A Ridge Spring-Monetta 8
H Lewisville 46
A Hanahan 21
H Loris 28
A Hampton County 27
H Manning 28
A James Kenan (Warsaw) 42
H Martin County 20
A Burns (Lawndale) 14
H Monroe 56
A Northwest Guilford 10
H Mooresville 27
A Mountain Island Charter 14
H Mount Airy 35
A Community School of Davidson 30
H Mount Pleasant 7
A Walhalla 19
H Mountain View Prep (Spartanburg) 42
A Christ the King (Huntersville) 11
H Murphy 21
A White Knoll (Lexington) 39
H Myrtle Beach 19
A Millbrook (Raleigh) 32
H New Bern 13
A Dillon 33
H Newberry 28
A May River (Bluffton) 6
H North Augusta 36
A Lee County 26
H North Brunswick 35
A East Bladen 8
H North Duplin 35
A Bertie County 22
H North Moore 46
A East Wilkes 33
H North Rowan 30
A Greene Central 6
H Northeastern (Elizabeth City) 50
A Marvin Ridge (Waxhaw) 24
H Northern Guilford 28
A Gates County 28
H Northside (Pinetown) 13
A Indian Land 6
H Northwestern (Rock Hill) 49
A Crest (Boiling Springs) 35
H Oak Grove (Midway) 7
A Waccamaw 6
H Oceanside Collegiate (Mt. Pleasant) 36
A Rosewood 28
H Pender County 56
A Warren County 42
H Perquimans 0
A Kingstree 24
H Philip Simmons (Charleston) 40
A Woodruff 14
H Powdersville 21
A Forest Hills (Marshville) 38
H Randleman 21
A East Rutherford 27
H Reidsville 26
A Laurens Academy 6
H Richard Winn Academy (Winnsboro) 43
A Clayton 13
H Richmond County 24
A Pinecrest (Southern Pines) 8
H Rolesville 45
A Walkertown 6
H Salisbury 12
A Central (Pageland) 26
H Saluda 15
A Rocky Mount 14
H Seventy-First (Fayetteville) 56
A Maiden 0
H Shelby 28
A Hilton Head 28
H South Florence 56
A Ashbrook (Gastonia) 31
H South Point (Belmont) 28
A Greer 17
H South Pointe (Rock Hill) 56
A Starmount (Boonville) 37
H South Stanly 13
A Kinston 26
H Southeast Alamance 13
A J.H. Rose (Greenville) 28
H Southern Nash 16
A Byrnes (Duncan) 17
H Spartanburg 37
A Fort Dorchester (N. Charleston) 13
H Summerville 36
A Ashley Ridge (Summerville) 24
H Sumter 55
A Catawba Ridge (Fort Mill) 34
H T.L. Hanna (Anderson) 57
A Weldon 6
H Tarboro 55
A Scotland 38
H Terry Sanford (Fayetteville) 35
A SouthWest Edgecombe 0
H Wallace-Rose Hill 43
A Jacksonville 30
H Walter Williams (Burlington) 24
A Sun Valley (Indian Trail) 12
H Weddington 35
A West Rowan 3
H West Charlotte 60
A East Duplin 20
H West Craven 36
A North Myrtle Beach 3
H West Florence 34
A North Lincoln 54
H West Henderson 21
A A.C. Flora (Columbia) 9
H Westside (Anderson) 49
A Farmville Central 29
H Whiteville 63
A KIPP Pride (Gaston) 8
H Wilson Prep 36
A Camden 43
H Wren (Piedmont) 42
Saturday's Game 11/23
A Hayesville 7
H Mountain Heritage (Burnsville) 51
A Bethesda Academy (Savannah) 14
H Pee Dee Academy (Mullins) 52
A Williamsburg Academy (Kingstree) 8
H Thomas Heyward (Ridgeland) 23
A Mallard Creek (Charlotte) 23
H Watauga County 0
A Pinewood Prep (Summerville) 24
H Wilson Hall (Sumter) 21